Oh this is fascinating stuff from Tim Smith of NewTerritory . In all the talk about connected and automated vehicles over the last decade, have we asked, what about the kids? What do they think? I wonder how the conversation would have gone within the halls of Congress had there been a few 8-12 year-olds present when the AV START Act was being vigorously debated 🙂
Nevertheless, the young ones’ opinions do matter. Why? Because if and when AV technology becomes more widespread 2-3 decades from now, they will be the ones using it. And their perceptions arguably effect – in some way – how they think in their adult years.
“As the old adage goes; it’s not the destination, but the journey that matters – at least to 10- and 11-year-olds. Whilst safety seems to be the core concern for adults in driverless cars, children look to elevate the experience.”
What kids expect from driverless cars, and why it matters | E&T Magazine (theiet.org)
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